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Drink Drivers

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Why is it always the innocent person is killed and the Inconsiderate b*****d walks away?


Since the "Christmas" period began, I've personally dealt with four drink driving incidents in work, everyone was a Fatal collision, and everytime the driver walked away, and one of the passengers was killed.


Worst one?


A driver of 17, a Passenger of 18, passenger was dead on impact, the driver was able to walk over a mile for help.


Less than a week before Christmas.


Disgusts me.



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Good morning ss the guy who lives round from me got cought on saturday night he was pissed there was 2 big volvos he got home parked the car but he still got lifted drink driving i cant stand folk like that its always someone else injured or killed rather than the bas..rd driving it he said his pal was driving so he got lifted too but the police came back and took the car i guess to get the finger prints oh well court for them this morning i hope the assholes get what they really deserve :wallbash: speak later ss regards Barry :victory:

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Myself, if you drive you don't drink end of and there should be no legal limit, any trace when tested and the driver is off the road :thumbdown: . I like a drink or three and never think about driving, I'd walk first, but what about the next day :hmm: , very rarely do I drive these days but I certainly would fall into this category :yes:, again I say too bad and the same rule applies, off the road.

Now if there is a drink drive related accident caused by someone who's been drinking, well why not get more serious and start hitting folk where it hurts. If someone is killed by a drink driver, surely this is a pre-meditated act as they know what the consequences are and should be punished accordingly. The law is too soft on this issue as they are with most things in my opinion and do not have much time for the folk who make the rules up, but drink drivers are just taking the piss :thumbdown:

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Guest oldskool

i've done some silly feckin things in my time and i'm afraid, in the past, drink driving was one of them... i know its not a good excuse but i never drove home at anymore than about 30mph and where i live and where i drank you were lucky to see a car every 20 minutes... my mate was the same but on one occassion he knew he just couldnt get the car home safe so he slept in the back seat till morning and during the night the cops tapped his window and he was still done for it... apparently you can be done for haveing the keys in your possesion... personally i think thats a bit too far because i always have the keys in my pocket and my only mode at the end of the night is to get a taxi and i'm sure most folk are the same, are they not????


just to add, i wonder how many cops will get caught drink driving this year?? last year they were sitting outside each others work partys waiting for them to come out....

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I know it must be sickening SS, but you've also got to say that it takes a complete idiot to get into the car as a passenger, with someone who's drunk.

I think it depends on how someone takes their drink Mal.


The chap in question above had four pints, he may have appeared normal, but then again may not have.


They may be drunk but not appear to be if you know what I mean.


SS :thumbs:

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just to add, i wonder how many cops will get caught drink driving this year?? last year they were sitting outside each others work partys waiting for them to come out....


That's a good point bud,, because we all know that truth be told very few of us can say we have never done it,, the difference with the coppers is they would never admit it,, with regards to SS is thread I think a lot of it is down to educating people at a very young age.. I mean look at the ages of the people he is talking about, barely out of school, I'm not saying that I in anyway condone there actions but it makes you wonder dont it,, I think that if the powers that be were to impose maximum penalties for bang to right piss takers then you would see a sharp fall of convictions then, What I mean is this, all sections of laws have higher degrees of penalty dont they, so lets say if your a little bit over,say one beer you get the normal ban and find then go up till if your really taking the pi@s you get a bit of bird,, at least it would make the people who for some reason think its OK to do it think a bit more about there actions, And talking about thinking more before you do,,, I wonder how many gun-ho coppers will get a conviction this year for killing someone with no reason,??????????????? other than, it looked like a gun your honor,, just an opinion,,


Rob. :hmm:

Edited by klarakoi
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the problems with Drink drive limits...is that other things than alcohol can affect your reading.....thats why there are limits (i.e. mouth washes can affect the reading-as can smoking immediately before it etc...)


and then the readings aren't an exact science and the problem with including higher penalties for higher readings is that it affects us all differently depending on size (size of liver) so me at 6'02" and 19stone will have a lower reading for 2 pints than someone half my weight.......so although i agree in principle that the punishment should be more severe.......it would be hard to say for this reading you get a year ban and this reading you get 2 years...or prison etc....as that could be the difference between being skinny and being well built/muscular or fat!


I actually think that the drink drive punishments are about right.....they are more severe than most punishments dished out and they really do affect peoples lives losing a licence and not driving for a year does screw people's lives,jobs and social life


edited to add second offence and teh punishment tends to be 18months or more....and disqualified drivers found driving during a ban tend to get prison sentences


Edited further to add that if they cause a death through drink driving they should be charged with death by dangerous driving and the courts should impose the maximum on that which should be life.....all the above opinion i gave before this further edit i was meaning just simple drink drive with no one dying!

Edited by COMPO
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The punishment is spot on...... :yes:


Drink drivers once convicted begin the slippery slope!


Jobs are lost, their lifestyle's change, they live with guilt etc...............


Yes a life for a life, but in this PC enviroment we live in "IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN", the politics are dire, labour are full of shit, society will rot even more!


Changes are needed ASAP! : ;)

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I've done it in the past twice and wrote off my motors both times,i had got home only to plough into the gate post and another time put it up a tree.Not big and not clever and am glad no others were ever involved,drink driving should carry a life long ban,no second chances thats it,any amont of alcohol when driving thats it banned.No chance of "i thought i would be all right" don't drink and drive end of!.Don't drink myself but 1 pint would certainly affect my driving even though i may be under the limit legaly,watch the taxi drivers though they might have had a tipple or two over xmas as well and early shift will see a few with hangovers !!!!!!!..Wonder how many MP's will get nicked this xmas,a few did last year.

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